Of course the bookkeeper I selected was in Ohio. But a bookkeeper would need access to an entire year’s worth of receipts. For that I would need a bookkeeper (up to this point I’d been muddling through with my cockamamie system). One particular item that our kind but gently insistent broker insisted upon was a profit-loss statement for my business. Of course none of what he needed was e-mailable. But that’s another post.) Of course everything that our lender required must be sent via secure email. (Ah, for the old days of corner neighborhood banks. Our lender, several states away in Minnesota, needed about a zillion documents from us, verifying everything about us, from our identities to our net worth to our hopes and dreams. Moreover, my husband and I were in the process of purchasing a new home in a western suburb of Cleveland. The timing could not have been more optimal: Not only did I have to purge what seemed like tons of paper files, separating the wheat from the chaff (and here I must give a shout-out to my trusty Fellowes paper shredder), I also realized that many documents moldering away in buff-colored three-tab files were in need of digitizing. See what I mean?Īnd so it was that I embraced the opportunity to review the NeatDesk Desktop Scanner as a member of Viewpoints Blogger Review Panel.

In my office, in my life, paper has always been the winner, hands down, a fact made abundantly clear when I began organizing my office in January for our move from Virginia to Ohio. I have all three in my office-rocks gathered from different hikes in Northeast Ohio, a beautiful pair of scissors that I inherited from one of my favorite uncles, and paper.